Our Services
We deliver a full-range of professional services to our clients, ranging from small to medium sized Hong Kong enterprises to prestigious international groups. Our professional services include audit and assurance, tax compliance, advisory and planning, company secretarial, financial accounting and management consultancy, human resources support as well as payroll processing.

Accounting Services
We provide a comprehensive range of accounting services including:
- bookkeeping services on monthly or annual basis;
- preparing financial reports, variance and ratio analyses;
- providing management consultancy services;
- advising on related accounting treatments based on specific business modes or transactions;
- processing of transactions for receipts and payments;
- providing the annual audit assistance; and
- implementing accounting system.

Audit and Assurance Services
We focus on understanding business issues and processes, giving them wider assurance from the audit. Our services cover both external and internal needs of our clients. We also analyze and perform strategic review on clients’ financial data to provide them more insights for satisfying their specific respective needs.
- statutory audits;
- business review on specific topics;
- financial due diligence review for merger and acquisition;
- internal control review and assessment; and
- other forms of assurance.

Company Secretarial Services
We serve our clients in the compliance with statutory obligations under the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance.
- formatting of legal entities companies in Hong Kong, China and other jurisdictions;
- providing annual statutory company secretarial and designated representative services;
- preparing other statutory filing and registration for changes of company’s details;
- advisory on corporate structure and selection of jurisdictions;
- deregistration and liquidation of companies;
- provision of registered office address and redirection of mails; and
- assisting the bank accounts opening

Human Resources and Payroll Services
With our local expertise, we support our clients in HR administration and payroll processing.
- ensuring to comply with the local labour, mandatory provident fund (“MPF”) and tax law requirements in Hong Kong;
- providing monthly payroll calculation, payment arrangement and MPF filing, as well as annual employer’s tax return filing; and
- providing support, as and when needs arise for general HR administration and visa applications for foreign employees working in Hong Kong.

Taxation Services
We provide a comprehensive range of taxation services. With a thorough understanding of the taxation systems, regulations and practices in Hong Kong and China, our tax specialists help clients in exploring opportunities for tax efficiency through tailored and effective tax arrangements. Our services include the following:
- corporate and individual tax compliance;
- handling tax enquiries, objections, appeal and holdover;
- tax audit and investigation negotiation and settlement;
- advanced tax ruling and offshore/exemption applications;
- tax litigation support;
- corporate and individual tax advisory and planning;
- tax arrangement for cross-border operations; and
- individual tax equalization arrangement